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Resiliency After Violent Death: Lessons for Caregivers DVD


The purpose of this program is to provide clinicians, social workers, clergy and caregivers engaged in long term support with families after a violent death, helpful strategies to diminish the emotional distress of violent dying bereavement.

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The purpose of this program is to provide clinicians, social workers, clergy and caregivers engaged in long term support with families after a violent death, helpful strategies to diminish the emotional distress of violent dying bereavement.

Violent dying from an accident, natural disaster, suicide, homicide or terrorist attack involves an external drama, a fatal human act, and the story of that drama must be retold. Unlike natural dying, loved ones bereaved by violent dying are left with a narrative dilemma - to tell two contradictory stories - the retelling of their loved ones life that is precious, and the retelling of the external drama of their loved one's violent dying that is horrifying - and for some loved ones compulsive retelling of their dying may eclipse the retelling of their living.

This program demonstrates how to shift the psychological focus from the drama and the spectacle of violent dying for loved ones "stuck" in their bereavement and to shift the caregivers' attention from an over emphasis on crisis support (catalyzed by our recent national disasters with 9/11 and Katrina) to the longer term psychological and spiritual needs of loved ones - months and years after the violent death.

Instead of lectures, a panel of experts considers two case studies from video taped interviews with patients Dr. Ted Rynearson treated after the violent deaths of members of their families. The panel discussion is divided into three sections corresponding with three common, psychological responses to a violent death.

This program covers:

  • Phase 1. Intense Separation & Trauma Distress: The immediate challenge following a violent death is overwhelming distress related to both the reality of death (separation distress), as well as the reality of violent dying (trauma distress).
  • Phase 2. Reframing Dying and Nurturing Imagery: The next challenge involves revising and synthesizing the traumatic memories of the killing with the nurturing memories of the deceased.
  • Phase 3. Meaningful Reengagement: A later challenge is in establishing a meaningful reconnection with the flow of life - beyond the tragedy of violent death - by a hopeful recommitment with valued activities and relationships.

    Our panelists: Dr. Ted Rynearson, Dr. Charles Figley, Dr. Alison Salloum, Janice Harris Lord, ACSW

    Resiliency After Violent Death: Lessons for Caregivers effectively offers helpful strategies for supporting families dealing with the emotional distress of a violent death. Dr. Ted Rynearson, a prominent psychiatrist, opens the video by recommending clinicians, clergy, and caregivers shift their focus from the death itself to the longer term needs of loved ones dealing with the tragedy of losing a loved one to violent death.

    The video is organized around two clinical cases: Ms. Walker, who lost three children to violent death, and Mr. and Mrs. Yarborough, whose 17 year old daughter was murdered. Each interview lasts approximately 30 minutes, and is followed by a 45 minute discussion by a panel of experts, including Charles Figley, PhD, Alison Salloum, PhD, Janice Harris Lord, ACSW, and Ted Rynearson, MD, all noted clinicians.

    The panel discussion addresses three psychological responses. The first is intense separation and trauma distress, which is the immediate challenge for families. The experts in this section recommend that families be given the facts of their loved ones death, when they feel ready for that information. Lacking such factual information, many family members, including children, create vivid fantasies about the death, which can be more harmful then the facts themselves.

    The second response is reframing dying. Dr. Rynearson recommends asking patients about their concept of death what do they think occurs? Spiritual beliefs may play an important role, both explanatory and comforting. Also important is listening to survivors tell their story. The experts remind the helpers that they should listen to the family members without imposing their own beliefs.

    The third response is meaningful reengagement. The panel highlights the importance of supportive family and friends, the importance of "just being there," and the importance of letting the process develop over time without trying to rush it. Both sets of surviving parents in their clinical interviews, and the panel, discuss the importance and meaningfulness of reaching out to others, after time.

    The video effectively uses the DVD format, opening with a menu of topics. From the menu, viewers can choose the introduction, either one of the clinical interviews, the panel discussion, or the conclusion. The panel discussion is edited into chapters reflecting the three common psychological detailed above. This format allows viewers to reference their topic of interest directly and easily.

    Resiliency After Violent Death: Lessons for Caregivers is an informative, professional quality video which many clinicians, chaplains, caregivers and instructors/students will find useful.
    Daniel W. Clark, Ph.D. WA State Patrol Psychologist

    "Ted Rynearson is America's leading psychiatrist on the topic of violent death. His calm and caring approach shines through this remarkable DVD in which three parents of murdered children, his long term patients, describe their ways of coping. A panel of esteemed colleagues- Janice Lord, Charles Figley and Alison Salloum- offer compassionate insights. But the wisest comments come from the survivors themselves. These parents have learned not only how to absorb the reality of tragic, traumatic loss, but how to reconnect to the lives of their murdered children -and how to comfort and inspire others."
    Frank Ochberg, MD Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Michigan State University

    Panel Discussion .47:32 Minutes Two Clinical Interviews 62:09 Minutes


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  • Product Code:  98-9 List Price:  $110.99
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